Debt Negotiation In KY
May 19, 2014Debt Negotiation Credit Report Effects
May 25, 2014Penalty For First Driving Under The Influence (DUI/DWI) Charge in Five Years In Kentucky
In Kentucky, the penalties for driving under the influence are determined by statute. The penalties for DUI are established by KRS 189A.010.
First Offense of a charge of DUI Within a Five Year Period:
• $200 – 500 Fine
• 2 to 30 Days in Jail*
• 90 Days of Alcohol or Substance Abuse Program
• 30 to 120 Day License Suspension
• Possible 48 Hours – 30 Days Community Labor
*If aggravating circumstances are present then there is a penalty of four (4) days imprisonment
Legal Representation for DUI
If you have been charged with DUI in Kentucky you should contact an attorney who specializes in DUI litigation. The attorneys at Hurst & Hurst Law have received specialized training in dealing with DUI charges and can help you determine the best option for you. If you have been charged with a DUI or have questions regarding a DUI charge contact Hurst & Hurst Law at (859) 209-2101.