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Family Law

May 5, 2015
Non-parent custody in Kentucky

Non-Parent Custody In KY

To gain legal custody rights, a non-parent must show that the parent is unfit, which is often difficult to do. The non-parent must prove one of the following: that the parent is unsuitable and harmful to the child; has signed an agreement to surrender custody; OR that the parent is otherwise unqualified to claim custody.
April 16, 2015
Visitation lawyer Danville KY

Visitation in KY

Visitation or time-sharing refers to the time a parent spends with the child. Generally all parents are entitled to reasonable visitation. This is because all parents have a constitutional right to care for and control their children.
March 20, 2015
Custody Attorneys in Danville KY

Custody In Kentucky

Custody in Kentucky is used to mean a variety of things in Kentucky Courts, and can refer several different types of “custody.” If you have questions about what type of custody you have or need to file for a change in custody contact a custody attorney at Hurst & Hurst Law at (859) 209-2101.
July 7, 2014
Family law attorney kentucky


In Kentucky, victims of domestic violence have two means by which to protect themselves from reoccurring violence—an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) and a Domestic Violence Order (DVO).
March 6, 2014
Money and wedding ring to represent alimony in KY

Alimony In Kentucky, AKA Maintenance

Kentucky calls alimony in divorce cases, maintenance. Maintenance is controlled by KRS 403.200 and requires a spouse to prove several factors to receive maintenance or alimony in a divorce proceeding.
February 21, 2014
The view from the training center in Louisville, KY

Family Law Training in Ky

The attorneys of Hurst & Hurst Law attended family law training. The training addressed Dependency, Abuse and Neglect cases in Kentucky, known as DNA cases. The DNA training helps prepare lawyers to provide legal representation to abused and neglected children in the state of Kentucky.