Social media posts can negatively affect basically all times of litigation, including personal injury cases, like auto accidents or wrongful death claims; criminal defense cases; and family law cases, like divorce or custody disputes.
You have just been injured in a car wreck; not only do you have to deal with the damage to yourself and your vehicle. You have legal issues with a car wreck, and you don't know what to do to protect yourself. The experienced car wreck lawyers at Hurst & Hurst has created a dos and don't list for auto accident victims to help
You have just been injured in a car wreck; not only do you have to deal with the damage to yourself and your vehicle. You're worried about how this is going to get paid for. Experienced Auto Accident Attorneys at Hurst & Hurst explain what happens after a wreck & who's responsible for those costs. Call (859)209-2101.