What Is DUI?
May 10, 2014
Debt Negotiation In KY
May 19, 2014Changes in Driving Under The Influence Law In Kentucky
The changes in the DUI law establishes minimum jail times (which cannot be probated, suspended, conditionally discharged or otherwise subject to early release) if convicted of DUI and aggravating circumstance(s) exist:
Aggravating Circumstances In Kentucky
What counts as aggravating circumstances in Kentucky is controlled by KRS 189A.010 [11]. The following are the aggravating circumstances that result in higher minimum jail time:
1. Over 30 mph over speed limit
2. Wrong way on limited access highway
3. Causes accident resulting in death or serious physical injury
4. Alcohol level of .15 or more within 2 hours after operating
5. Refusal to submit to testing
6. Transporting passengers under 12 years of age
Legal Representation for Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
If you have been charged with DUI in Kentucky you should contact an attorney who specializes in DUI litigation. The attorneys at Hurst & Hurst Law have received specialized training in dealing with DUI charges and can help you determine the best option for you. If you have been charged with a DUI or have questions regarding a DUI charge contact Hurst & Hurst Law at (859) 209-2101.