Life After Bankruptcy
December 5, 2014Utility Services After Bankruptcy
December 18, 2014When Should I Contact A Traffic Offense Lawyer About My Speeding Ticket?
In many instances, it is important for you to have an experienced traffic offense lawyer with you at your initial court appearance. Having an attorney with you then can make a big difference to how your case progresses. While also protecting you from making critical blunders at your arraignment. Traffic offenses include speeding tickets, reckless driving and DUI charges. This means you should contact an attorney as soon as possible after being charged.
Adequate time is needed to investigate the specific facts associated with your situation. As well as to allow your attorney to prepare an appropriate defense. When you contact a lawyer, make sure you have a copy of the citation and the date for your first court hearing. Your attorney will need that to best be able to help you.
If you have questions about a traffic violation or a speeding ticket, or about how an attorney can help you with your traffic ticket contact Hurst & Hurst Law at (859) 209-2101.
My friend just got his first speeding ticket and he does not know what to do. I agree with the article about getting an experienced attorney right way to help him with his ticket. I should tell him about it so he can contact one right away.
The answer to that question, as is often the case with legal matters, is it depends. It depends on what he was charged with and what he wants to do with his life. If he was charged with driving 10 mph over the speed limit that is very different than reckless driving or 25 mph over. It depends on if he want to get a CDL eventually or other employment that is going to look at his driving record. For more specific information, please call the office and we can make you an appointment to speak with someone in more detail regarding this situation.
The unfortunate answer is, as is often the case, that it depends. It depends on the specific charge, county attorney, court and county. Each county runs their case a little differently and it can affect how long something takes.