Last year, 35,999 people were injured in car crashes in Kentucky and 724 were killed.
- Crash Facts 2018 (FY2019) by Kentucky State Police
If you, or someone you love, has been seriously injured in a car is the time to get legal help.
Victims of Kentucky road accidents know that serious physical injuries cause stress in every part of your life. Dealing with the psychological aftermath only compounds that stress. We understand. While you are trying to recover, the medical bills and household bills continue to pile up. If you cannot work, because of your injuries, your situation may spiral even more. Why should you continue to suffer financially for injuries caused by someone else? You shouldn't.
Call us today to talk to a practicing personal injury attorney who isn't afraid to take your case to court. While so many "TV" legal firms hand your case to a paralegal, our experienced lawyers always handle your case -- personally.
While other attorneys will only offer to settle "out of court," we put you first and are always willing to take your case to trial. We are professional trial lawyers and we have your back!
Our practice was built with the mission to help people. We are here to serve you. Our lawyers get you the financial relief you deserve, so you can focus on healing.
Want to know more? Call us to talk to an experienced lawyer, in person, today!

"In survey after survey, people report that the greatest dangers they face are, in this order: terrorist attack, plane crashes and nuclear accidents. This despite the fact that these three combined have killed fewer people in the past half-century than car accidents do in any given year."
- Will Self
What Can A Wreck Do To Your Body?
7 Common Car Accident Injuries
A recent study in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that 39.2% of individuals involved in a motor vehicle accident develop PTSD. Symptoms of these psychological injuries include: depression, impairment in work/school performance, and relationship with family and friends.
Internal bleeding can be caused by blunt trauma, decelerating trauma or penetrating (laceration) trauma.
For example, head injuries which involve damage to the brain aren't always immediately apparent. Even internal bleeding may be a hidden injury.