Law Blog - Page 16 of 19 - Hurst Law, Lawyers in Danville, KY

Law Blog

April 3, 2014
Danville, KY Bankruptcy Attorney

Filling For Bankrutpcy

The process of filing for bankruptcy is complex and mistakes can result in serious penalties. To file for bankruptcy in Kentucky a petition for bankruptcy has to be submitted along with several schedules that lay out your assets and liabilities. A bankruptcy attorney can help you file more easily and without negative consequences.
March 29, 2014
car wreck lawyer danville ky

Footing The Bill

You have just been injured in a car wreck; not only do you have to deal with the damage to yourself and your vehicle. You're worried about how this is going to get paid for. Experienced Auto Accident Attorneys at Hurst & Hurst explain what happens after a wreck & who's responsible for those costs. Call (859)209-2101.