Law Blog - Page 17 of 19 - Hurst Law, Lawyers in Danville, KY

Law Blog

March 17, 2014
Clock face representing the statute of limitations running out

Statute Of Limitations In KY

The Statute of Limitations (SOL) is the time period in which a legal claim can be brought. SOL applies to both criminal and civil actions. The Statute of Limitations can run out and bar your legal claim from being brought to the court. Statute of Limitations are specific to the state where the legal claims arises.
March 6, 2014
Money and wedding ring to represent alimony in KY

Alimony In Kentucky, AKA Maintenance

Kentucky calls alimony in divorce cases, maintenance. Maintenance is controlled by KRS 403.200 and requires a spouse to prove several factors to receive maintenance or alimony in a divorce proceeding.
March 4, 2014
Pretrial Diversion Lawyer

Pretrial Diversion In Kentucky

Pretrial diversion in Kentucky is a program that can allow a person to avoid jail time even if they are guilty. If the program is successful it can even be possible to have the charge removed from your record.
February 21, 2014
The view from the training center in Louisville, KY

Family Law Training in Ky

The attorneys of Hurst & Hurst Law attended family law training. The training addressed Dependency, Abuse and Neglect cases in Kentucky, known as DNA cases. The DNA training helps prepare lawyers to provide legal representation to abused and neglected children in the state of Kentucky.