Reaffirmation in KY
April 30, 2014
What Is DUI?
May 10, 2014Visiting the Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg, KY

Beaumont Inn Harrodsburg, KY sign
The attorneys of Hurst & Hurst Law were at the beautiful and historic Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg, KY this week. They stopped in to partake in some of the wonderful food offered at the Inn.
The Inn opened in 1919 is the oldest family-operated bed and breakfast country inn. It offers beautiful rooms for rent and delicious food at the restaurant and tavern, the Old Owl Tavern. The Inn is an official stop on the bourbon trail. And you can try quite a few different bourbons without having to travel anywhere, or worry about a driving under the influence (DUI) charge.
The Inn is a wonderful place to stay if you are passing through, want to grab a bite or just visit to tour the historic women’s college and take in some of the beauty of Kentucky. From the Inn you can walk to beautiful downtown Harrodsburg, KY or see nearby Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill and the countryside of Mercer County. The Inn is located just nine miles away from Danville, KY and Centre College.
The Beaumont Inn is located at
638 Beaumont Inn Drive, Harrodsburg, KY 40330.
Which is near our Harrodsburg, KY office for Hurst & Hurst. Our Harrodsburg attorneys office is located downtown on the corner of Main Street and Poplar Street, at
104 Poplar Street, Harrodsburg, KY 40330.