Drivers License Point System
August 10, 2014
Persistent Felony Offender In KY
August 25, 2014Have You Missed A Court Date For A Traffic Charge?
If you have missed a scheduled court date for a criminal charge or speeding ticket, you most likely have a Failure to Appear (FTA) warrant. A Missed court date where there was a summons or subpoena for your appearance will likely result in a warrant being sworn out against you.
Kentucky now uses an e-warrant system and nearly all police officers in the state will know if you have a warrant because of a missed speeding ticket court date.
The attorneys at Hurst & Hurst Law can file the appropriate motions in order to have your case placed back on the active docket and have the FTA recalled. Once the FTA is recalled the warrant will be lifted and you will no longer be subject to arrest because of the missed court date.
However, our attorneys will continue to work for you. We will then go to court and negotiate the best possible resolution to your criminal charge or traffic citation. In many cases we can do this without the necessity of your appearance.
If you have missed a court date for a criminal offense or traffic offense, like speeding or for another criminal charge contact a lawyer with Hurst & Hurst Law at (859) 209-2101.