Local Involvement Archives - Hurst Law, Lawyers in Danville, KY

Local Involvement

August 29, 2018
Labor Day Accident Lawyer

5 Safety Tips for a Great Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is one of the most celebrated holidays in the United States. For many it is the last real weekend of summer; others see it as a gateway to the holiday season. However,you look at it, Labor Day is also the holiday that has the most accidents associated with it, both in and out of vehicles. Please remember this Labor Day Weekend there will be a LOT of motorists on the roadways, both impaired and distracted. Below are some tips for being safe this Labor Day weekend and avoiding car accidents and common mishaps of the holiday. So be safe and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
February 26, 2016
Lawyer Danville KY

Attack On 7th Amendment

Hurst & Hurst Law attorney Rebecca Hurst, traveled to the Kentucky State Capital to help defend Ky citizens’ rights under the 7th Amendment of the US Constitution and Section 7 of the Ky Constitution
September 27, 2015
Lawyer KY

Oktoberfest Danville KY 2015

Lawyers of Hurst & Hurst Law, attended Oktoberfest Danville, KY in Boyle County, KY Saturday night. Saturday night found Oktoberfest taking place in Constitution Square, Danville, KY.