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February 27, 2014How Young Entrepreneurs Academy In Danville And Programs Like It Change The World
19 year old Boyan Slat released his plans to implement an Ocean Cleanup Array, which he designed to remove plastic garbage from the ocean. The device is network of anchored booms which are stationary and act as a funnel to remove garbage from a particular area. This young man launched a project while in high school analyzing the size and amount of plastic garbage in the ocean. His paper on this went on to win several prizes and Slat founded The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, which is a non-profit organization whose goal is to develop his proposed technology to help clean up the ocean.
This is wonderful and an amazing young man. The creativity and invention which made America can still be found, and hopefully fostered.
This story makes me think of the great program being put in place with the Danville and Boyle County School Systems and Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce called the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA). This program guides kids ages 11 to 18 through the process of starting their own business. During the 9 month program, students research and form their enterprise, make sales pitches to potential investors, obtain funding, register with government agencies and launch their company or social movement.
American thrives on innovation and small business. Programs like these help the next generation develop business, entrepreneurial, and inventive interests. These are the future leaders of America and we should continue to support programs that help make the next generation better prepared and ready to move us to the next step.
You can check out more about this Boyle County program or the article by clicking on the above links.
1 Comment
My son went through the pilot YEA program in Danville, Kentucky. Some of these student programs make a parent feel like the programs are reaching in their pockets – this program is VERY different.
For these students to network with the volunteers alone is worth the price of admission. Add to this that they do field trips to businesses – and those volunteers share the good, the bad and the ugly with the students. The staff walks students hand in hand through the entire business development process of concept, names (and how to search that through Secty of State), writing a business plan, elevator speech, pitch to a panel of investors – on and on. This program is amazingly comprehensive and we were honored to be a part of it.
We have videos on some of the components of the program on our YouTube channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/workoutchamp
The only bad thing about the YEA program is you can only take it once. Our son would have taken this program over and over.